This is so beautiful, Mary. Thank you! I live in Northern NH and love this time of year the best. The early darkness, the long nights, and the cold, crisp days are ripe for going within and going deep. So much Magic happens when I allow myself to slow down. XO

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LOVE! I just wanted to share a beautiful synchronicity… I pulled Crocus from my oracle deck for this lunar cycle… and her message is OPENING. 💗💗💗 I so love how the flowers support us all and thank you Mary, for being a courageous voice for them. 🌹🌹🌹

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They surely do Lisa. And I love your oracle deck- a kindred deck, a kindred spirit.❤️

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Love this, Mary. Part of the vow I say every morning is this: "I commit to opening my heart wide, wider still, to embrace all of myself and all that is."

A beautiful post, thank you.

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Every morning! I love that. And I think I need to do that too. Thank you!

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How perfect I am finding this offering.

With the New Moon I’ve been journaling about intentions and planting seeds. And now I will pull Rose Mallow and add her picture to my journal pages.

Thank you dear friend for reminding me of my own dreamtime and the importance of my own wide open heart and trust at this time.

I am filled with gratitude for our friendship over the years and to you and your flowers for cheering me on. 🌸🌺🌻🌼🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Laura!! Delayed reply…😂

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Another beautifully articulated essay Mary. Thank you for unabashedly sharing your gifts with us. I, too, needed the message of Rose Mallow this morning and will sit and reflect on it, then try to fully incorporate it into my heart.

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This is so beautifully said, Mary! So much wisdom here. Thank you for opening your heart and being vulnerable and sharing your gifts with us so generously. <3

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Thanks Jamie!

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Thank you Mary, I really enjoyed reading this. I have a terrible concentration span and struggle to read. This piece held me. I went to a yoga nidra class last night. So much of the guided meditation resonates with what you're saying here. We were asked to set an intention and then imagine it on a cellular level. It was much more powerful to feel the intention physically rather than imagining it. for example - To Feel worthy of joy, to let go. If only more people lived with a connection to plants, thanks again, the book sounds fascinating

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I love that it was so readable for you! Thank you for sharing that. May we always know we are worthy of joy!

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Thank you Christina. This one felt really vulnerable- always a sign where the real work is for me. ❤️

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Thanks Mary. I too found this very apt. Yesterday I was journaling about some anger and suppressed grief and told myself it was all part of an open heart, and haven't I been asking for that for the past couple years? :)

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Beautiful. Thank you Mary, thank you Rose Mallow!

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