Wow! I am struck by the horror of losing so many children, then one's house and place of business, then succumbing to death in the cold. I know that most think of the war being about slavery, but that was actually secondary. Only 1 in 6 men owned slaves in the south, so most didn't need to defend that way of life. They were indignant about the taxes being assessed by the north without their approval. The Civil War was so terrible for all involved. As a Southerner, I have a couple of horrifying Civil War tales of ancestors that are painful, too. It's a gruesome history of our past.

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I know Robin, I don’t think we can have any real idea the horrors they went through.

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I was so moved by the stories of your ancestors, woven with the stories of fire flowers, and how fires bring not only grief and loss, but also opportunity. I love this guidance from the purple coneflower: "Stand tall with belief in your own resilience. You are part of this Earth that will always abide. Let any fears you hold become merely doors for you to step through."

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Strength from a deep seated belief that the long stories - ours and the earth- will abide, is my deepest prayer. Thanks Julie!

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Beautiful and timely. Thanks so much for sharing this.

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Thank you Dana.

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Beautiful reminder. I recall a phrase that also relates to your purple coneflower and other hardy mentors: “Gold is not affected by the fire, only all its impurities are burned away. So when you are who you truly are, what fire is too hot for you?”

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Oh this is powerful, thank you!

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Mary - I can't wait for your book to come out!! You truly have learned how to reach deeply into the heart of flowers. I’ve been studying and working with their essences daily for 25 years as a way of understanding and healing my ancestral wounds. Your commentary is right up there with the insight of some of the best voices in the field. Many blessings to you as you continue on with your book project.

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I SO appreciate your affirmations Suzanne! Finding my way, one flower at a time. They call so strongly🌹✨

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Absolutely love your question: "Could the flowers show us how to survive differently this time?" And, also, the wonderful insights you've provided, Mary. Thank you so much!

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Hopefully, by continuing to ask the questions we will be open to the answers when we need them most. ❤️

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Such wisdom, thank you Mary. The fire flowers are so fascinating! I knew that natural forest fires are necessary and part of the Design of forests, but I wasn’t aware of the fire flowers, silently waiting until it’s their time to shine, to begin the next cycle.

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Poignant. Thanks much Mary.

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Thank you so much for this Mary!

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What beautiful praise. Thank you Bobbie. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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You always make me think and imagine beyond where I have been. Considering that is 7 decades, that's saying something. Thank you.

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