Gladiola says: “I am here to remind you of the joy that is your inheritance. I stand with your ancestors cheering you on when you allow deep wonder and delight in your own life and see it in those around you. Open your throat, stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before and sing the glory of this world to all who will hear its beauty.”
I have spent a lot of my life worrying about what other people would think about what I said, and combined with my childhood shyness, it was a pretty good feedback loop for remaining silent. I even used to stutter a bit as a teenager and young adult when I was in situations I was unsure of.
I am quite sure I carry lifetimes of silencing, from the hundreds of years my European ancestors were silenced in the witch crazes, no longer able to trust their senses and their intuitive knowing. Often not even able to trust their hearts to their own mothers and daughters. Perdita Finn speaks deeply and eloquently of these horrors in her Substack post Out of the Fires. The silencing runs long and deep and the women’s wisdom was largely lost.
While I know now the flowers have been calling me all my life, five years ago they quite loudly began calling me to write, to speak for them on paper, in blogs, in an oracle deck, and in a book. I have been writing with them, for them, and for myself, for over five years now, feeling my voice strengthen, becoming sure and confident. As I write about what I hear, see, sense, and feel from them, they have continually asked more and more of me.
This summer I heard them tell me it was time to face my biggest fear—speaking in public about them—what they have been saying, and about my own heart. It was time.
And so this fall, in addition to offering my workshop Guidance from the Flowers, I accepted an invitation to speak on the equinox at a local Unity church. I trusted the words to flow from the flowers and they did.
I would like to offer the YouTube recording for you to listen to, my dear readers, as I think it gives a great overview of my work. I discuss some of the main themes of my upcoming book—our million year love story with the flowers, how they are our elders, how much wisdom they have to share with us, and how we can access it. There is also a nice five minute flower immersion meditation at the end that you might enjoy. Thank you!
Gladiola asks us to consider, What would it be like to feel your ancestor’s hands on your shoulders today and know their voices are your strength? How can you stand tall and rejoice in ways that you never have before? Come join me to experience how to hear the flowers speak to you.
The last Guidance with the Flowers workshop to be offered this year starts this coming Wednesday, October 2nd, from 7:30 to 9:00pm Eastern Time for four weeks. If you are interested, there is more info available in this link to my website.
I so enjoyed the talk you gave at Unity. It was very mind-expanding. I feel like I was let in on a powerful secret most of the world doesn't know anything about.
It’s been such a joy watching this part of your journey. Your talk was wonderful, and your passion for the flowers is infectious. They chose their ambassador wisely. 🌹❤️